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7⃣8⃣句最全英语短语集合― A系列,中英双解➕例句

Allianz Travel Insurance优惠码 发布时间:2018-01-18
为什么单词你都认识却看不懂美剧❓这是因为大量的短语和俚语没听过‼️背单词不会让你的口语素材得到快速扩充,短语才会⚠️🐸英语学习1.• abbreviated piece of nothingThis slang expression refers to someone who is considered to be insignificant or worthless.表达认为某人是微不足道或者不重要的

"Bob doesn't think much of his new colleague. He calls him an abbreviated piece of nothing."2.• to the best of one's abilityWhen someone does something to the best of their ability, they do it as well as they possibly can.表达某人做某事尽了最大的努力

"I felt nervous all through the interview, but I replied to the best of my ability."3.• (of) no fixed abodeA person of no fixed abode has nowhere permanent to live.表达一个人没有固定的住所

"A 30-year-old man of no fixed abode was charged with the burglary."4.• about turn/about faceThis term refers to a complete change of opinion or policy.表达完全改变意见或者策略

"The ambassador's recent declarations indicate an about turn in foreign policy."5.• above and beyond the call of dutyIf a person does something which is above and beyond the call of duty, they show a greater degree of courage or effort than is usually required or expected in their job.表达一个人做了职责以外的事,会在工作中显示出更多的勇气和努力

"The fire-fighter received a medal for his action which went above and beyond the call of duty."6.• above boardIf a situation or business is described as above board, it is open, honest and legal.在生意或某种形势中表达公开,公正和合法

"There are not secret negotiations. Our dealings have always been above board."7.• accident waiting to happenThe term ‘accident waiting to happen’ refers to a potentially disastrous situation, often caused by negligence or insufficient precaution.表达由于疏忽或者预防不足而有潜在性的灾难发生

"According to those who lived nearby, the explosion in the warehouse where the gas cylinders were stocked was an accident waiting to happen."8.• accidentally on purposeIf you do something intentionally, but pretend it was an accident, you do it accidentally on purpose.表达你故意做某事,但把它掩盖成意外

"I accidentally-on-purpose erased his email address so I couldn't contact him again."9.• more by accident than (by) designSomething that happens more by accident than (by) design is done without deliberate intention.表达无意做某事

"I became an interpreter more by accident than design; nobody else could speak the language of the refugees."10.• an accomplished factSomething that has been done or completed before those affected by it can intervene or change it, is called an accomplished fact.表达某事在可以干涉和改变之前就已经完成,也称为既定事实

11.• of your own accordIf you do something of your own accord, you do it spontaneously or willingly, without being influenced or forced by anyone.表达不被任何人影响和强迫而自发的做某事

"The boy went of his own accord to see the owner and admitted breaking the window."12.• no accounting for tasteThis expression is used to indicate surprise at another person's likes or dislikes.表达对某人的喜好或者厌恶感到震惊

"She fell in love with a guy who is short, fat, bald and poor ... there's no accounting for taste!"13.• ace a testIf you obtain a very high score or an excellent result, you ace a test or exam.表达某人获得了高分或者有很棒的结果

"Maria's parents said she could go to the party if she aced her English test."14.• ace in the holeThis term means an advantage or resource kept hidden until needed.表达直到开始用的时候才把杀手锏亮出来

"Our candidate has an ace in the hole that will ensure victory ... you'll see!"15.• have an ace up your sleeve"If you have an ace up your sleeve, you have something in reserve with which you can gain an advantage."表达你对某事胸有成竹,非常有把握

"I'm well prepared for the negotiations. I've got an ace up my sleeve."16.• hold all the acesA person who holds all the aces is in a very strong position because they have more advantages than anyone else.表达你在某种情况中处于强有力的位置,优于其他任何人

"Given the high unemployment figures in some countries, employers hold all the aces."17.Achilles heelThis expression refers to a vulnerable area or a weak spot, in an otherwise strong situation, that could cause one's downfall or failure.表达某人极多方面都很强大,但有一个可以导致他失败的弱点

He's extremely intelligent, but his inability to speak in public is his Achilles heel.18.acid testTo refer to something as' the acid test' means that it will prove how effective or useful something is.表达能够证明某事的有效程度,也称为严峻的考验

The training course was very interesting but the acid test will come when I start my new job.19.acquired tasteSomething that you dislike when you first taste it, but begin to like after trying it several times, is an acquired taste.表达你一开始不喜欢某物,但尝试几次之后慢慢喜欢上

Tony has always loved olives, but for me it was an acquired taste.20.act of GodThis term refers to an natural event or accident, for which no person is responsible (such as an earthquake, lightning and similar acts of nature).表达天灾,像地震,雷电或者其他相似的自然现象

The insurance company refused to pay for the damage because it was caused by an act of God.21.get your act togetherIf you tell someone to get their act together, you mean that they need to organize their affairs more effectively in order to be more successful.表达为了使某事成功而需要加强做事的效率

You'd better get your act together if you want to find a job!22.add fuel to the flamesIf you add fuel to the flames, you do or say something that makes a difficult situation even worse.表达你做或者说某事,只会让不好的现况更糟糕

He forgot their wedding anniversary, and his apologies only added fuel to the flames.23.much ado about nothingWhen people make much ado about nothing, they make a lot of fuss about something which is not important.表达人们对鸡毛蒜皮的小事过分关心

There was a meeting to discuss the name for the new playground."Much ado about nothing" said my Dad!24.afraid of one's own shadowA person who is afraid of his/her own shadow is very nervous or easily frightened.表达某人很紧张或者极容易被惊吓到

I've never seen anyone so easily scared. She's afraid of her own shadow!25.after the factIf something is done after the fact, it done too late, after something has actually happened, especially a crime or an accident.表达在事件发生后很晚才做某事,无济于事


He said he realized he had put people in danger, but that was of no help after the fact.26.against one's better judgementIf you do something, even though you feel it is not a sensible thing to do, you do it against your better judgement.表达即便你自己认为某事不明智,还是坚持去做

Bob persuaded her to go by car, against her better judgement, and she regretted it as soon as she saw the heavy traffic.27.against the clockIf you do something against the clock, you are rushed and have very little time to do it.表达只有很少的时间去做某事,仓促进行

They are working against the clock to have the presentation ready for Monday.28.ahead of the packIf a person or organization is ahead of the pack, they are better or more successful than their rivals.表达某人或者某个团体比竞争对手厉害得多

Our products will have to be more innovative if we want to stay ahead of the pack.29.set the alarm bells ringing / alarm bells start to ringIf something sets the alarm bells ringing, it makes you begin to worry, because it shows that there may be a problem.表达你开始当心可能会产生问题,直译为拉响警报

Alarm bells started to ring when the old lady next door didn't open her shutters all day and didn't answer her phone.30.all alongIf something has existed or been somewhere all along, it has been there all the time, from the beginning.表达某物从开始就一直呆在某个地方

I had been looking for my keys for some time before I realized they had been in my pocket all along.31.all the better for (something)If you are all the better for something, you benefit from it or feel much better as a result of it.表达你可以从某事中获利

You'll be all the better for a good night's rest.32.all brawn and no brainSomeone who is physically very strong but not very intelligent is said to be all brawn and no brain.表达某人四肢发达,头脑简单

He's an impressive player to watch, but he's all brawn and no brain.33.all clearIf you are allowed to do something after a check-up to make sure that everything is all right, you get the all clear.表达你在被确认一切都好之后才可以去做某事

Dad says he's going to play golf again as soon as he gets the all clear from his doctor.34.all earsTo say that you are all ears means that you are listening very attentively.表达你聚精会神地听某事

Of course I want to know - I'm all ears!35.all hands on deckWhen there is a need for all hands on deck, everyone must help, especially when there is a lot of work to be done in a short amount of time.表达所有人必须齐心协力做某事

As the opening day approached, it was all hands on deck to have everything ready in time.36.all in your headIf something is all in your head, it is not real. It is in your imagination.表达某事不是真的,只是某人脑袋里想象出来的

Don't be silly. Nobody is trying to harm you. It's all in your head!37.all hell broke looseIf you say that all hell broke loose, you mean that there was a sudden angry or noisy reaction to something.表达某人对某事暴怒或者恼人的反应

All hell broke loose when it was announced that the plant was going to close down.38.all that jazzThis expression means 'all that stuff', 'other similar things', or 'everything of that kind'.表达其他类似于这样的东西,或者所有这些东西

Let's get out the tinsel, the fairy lights and all that jazz to decorate the Christmas tree.39.of all peopleTo use the term 'of all people' emphasizes that the person you mention, more than anyone else, is the one you would expect to do something.表达强调你提到的某人,特别希望他去做某事

As an artist, you, of all people, should support the new art gallery.40.all systems goWhen everything is ready for an activity or event to begin, you can say that all systems go.表达某个活动已经做好准备,可以开始了

We've got an office, a telephone and the internet, so on Monday it's all systems go!41.all things to all peopleIf you are all things to all people, you please or satisfy everyone.表达你能让所有人都感到很高兴或者很满意

She's exhausted trying to be a good wife, a good mother and a good teacher, but she can't be all things to all people.42.all things being equalThis expression refers to a probable situation if in all other ways, the conditions remain unchanged or equal.表达某事在条件不变的情况下

All (other) things being equal, a reduction in the cost of transport should enable us to lower our prices.43.all the rageWhen something is all the rage, it has become very popular or trendy.表达某事变得很流行或者很时髦

Twittering text messages is all the rage these days, both among individuals and companies.44.all sizzle and no steakSomeone or something that turns out to be disappointing, after a promotional campaign or marketing operation which led us to expect something better, is called all sizzle and no steak.表达在营销活动后,把人们的期待值提高后却大失所望

Because of the electoral promises he made, which so far he has failed to keep, many people call the new president 'all sizzle and no steak'.45.all skin and boneIf someone is all skin and bone, they are very thin or too thin.表达某人太瘦了,皮包骨头

After trekking in the Himalayas, he was all skin and bone.46.all thumbs / all fingers and thumbsIf you are all fingers and thumbs, you are awkward and clumsy and do things incorrectly.表达做某事笨手笨脚,手足无措

Would you mind wrapping this for me? I'm all fingers and thumbs!47.all toldAll told means the final number, when everything has been counted.表达计算总数时的最终数字

The number of visitors to the exhibition, all told, was 2543.48.up/down your alleyIf something is (right) up or down your alley, it is exactly the sort of thing that will suit your tastes or abilities.表达某事很对你的胃口,或者很符合你的能力

Alex loves reading, so the job in the bookshop is right up his alley.49.also-ranThis term refers to an unsuccessful competitor whose performance is so much poorer than the winner's that it appears insignificant.表达赛事中的落败者

He entered the contest hoping that he wouldn't end up as an 'also-ran'.50.alter egoThe term alter ego, which in Latin means 'other self', refers to a very close and trusted friend who is very like yourself.表达你非常亲近的好朋友,闺蜜,另一个自己

51.ambulance chaserA lawyer who finds work by persuading people injured in accidents to claim money from the person who caused the accident is called an 'ambulance chaser'.表达像通过说服事故中受害者索赔肇事者的律师这类人

Peterson and Scott are well-known ambulance chasers - that's how they make their money!52.answer for somethingIf someone has to answer for something, they have to accept responsibility for their actions.表达某人要为他的行为承担责任

He will have to answer for his dishonesty.53.answer the call of nature / nature's callWhen a person answers the call of nature, they go to the toilet.表达某人想要上厕所

I had to get up in the middle of the night to answer the call of nature.54.ants in one's pantsPeople who have ants in their pants are very restless or excited about something.表达某人对某事感到很激动或者坐立不安,像热锅上的蚂蚁

I wish he'd relax. He's got ants in his pants about something today.55.anyone's callThis expression is used when the result of a contest or election is difficult to predict.表达比赛或者竞选的结果难以预料,谁都有可能赢

"Who do you think will win?" "It's anyone's call."56.any port in a stormWhen you have no choice, any port in a storm refers to a solution you accept, which in normal circumstances you would find unacceptable.表达你对某事没有选择的余地,只好接受

The hotel was substandard, but it was a case of any port in a storm,all the others were full.57.the apple of your eyeA person, usually a child, who is the apple of your eye is one for whom you have great affection.表达你对某人极其喜爱

My grandson is the apple of my eye.58.apple-pie orderIf something is in apple-pie order, it is well organized or in perfect order.表达某事被安排得很好或者井然有序

They made sure the house was in apple-pie order before their parents arrived back home.59.apron stringsIf one person is tied to another 's apron strings, they remain dependent at an age when they should be independent.表达某人在应该独立的年纪却仍然依赖他人

All his decisions are influenced by his mother. He's still tied to her apron strings.60.argue the tossIf you argue the toss, you dispute a decision or choice which has already been made.表达还在对已经做出的决定进行争论

The final choice was made yesterday, so don't argue the toss now!61.arm of the lawThis expression refers to the extent to which the authority or power of the law extends.表达某人某事在法律的管辖范围以内

He fled to South America hoping to escape the arm of the law.62.give your right armIf you say "I’d give my right arm for that", you mean that you want it a lot and would do almost anything to obtain it.表达你愿意付出一切去获得某样东西

I'd give my right arm to have an apartment on Central Park.63.cost an arm and a legIf something costs an arm and a leg, it is very expensive.表达某事花费的价格太高昂或者付出的代价太大

The house cost us an arm and a leg, but we have no regrets.64.be up in armsIf you are up in arms , you are very angry about something and protest very strongly.表达你对某事非常愤怒,并且强烈的抗议

The population was up in arms over the demolition of the old theatre.65.keep someone at arm's lengthIf you keep someone at arm's length, you do not allow yourself to become friendly with them.表达你对某人保持距离,不愿意和他友善相处

It's not easy to become friends with Sophie; she tends to keep everyone at arm's length.66.armchair criticAn armchair critic is someone who gives advice based on theory rather than practice.表达在理论而不是实践的基础上给别人建议,纸上谈兵

That guy is such an armchair critic - no experience but plenty of advice.67.armchair travellerSomeone who reads books or watches TV programmes about other places and countries, but doesn't actually travel anywhere, is called an armchair traveller.表达从书籍或者电视节目中看到关于别的国家和地区的信息,但从来没去过任何其他地方的人

A surprising number of adventure books are bought by armchair travellers.68.asking for troubleSomeone who is asking for trouble is behaving so stupidly that he/she is likely to have problems.表达某人的愚蠢行为很可能会引发问题,自找麻烦

Driving fast on these roads is really asking for trouble!69.asleep at the wheelIf you say that someone is asleep at the wheel, you mean that they are not sufficiently attentive, especially at a critical moment when vigilance is required.表达在被要求警觉的重要时刻,仍然缺乏注意力的人

When the firemen arrived too late at the scene, the night watchman was accused of being asleep at the wheel.70.at all costsIf you are determined to obtain or achieve something at all costs, you want it regardless of the expense, effort or sacrifice involved.表达你愿意不惜一切代价达成或者得到某物

The journalist was determined at all costs to get a report from the war zone.71.at this stage of the gameThis expression refers to the current point reached in a process, activity or developing situation.表达在一个过程,活动或发展状况中的当前观点

At this stage of the game I think any further intervention would be unwise. Let's wait and see how things develop.72.at stakeSomeone who has a lot at stake is in a risky situation, with a lot to be won or lost.表达在一个危险的情况中,某人的行为也很冒险,输赢只在一线之间

He was nervous about signing the agreement because there was a lot at stake.73.automatic pilotIf you are on automatic pilot, you do something without thinking about it or having to pay attention, because you do it regularly.表达你在没有思考或者注意的情况下习惯性做某事

Fred's on automatic pilot today - he didn't even hear my question!74.of no availSomething which is of no avail is not at all helpful or useful.表达某物没有任何帮助或者作用

The coffee machine wouldn't work, and the instruction leaflet was of no avail.75.avowed intentWhen someone makes a public declaration of their objective or goal, this is their avowed intent.表达某人当众宣布他们的目标或者意图

The avowed intent of the new government is to reduce unemployment.76.a rude awakeningIf you get a rude awakening, you are forced to accept the unpleasant truth or reality.表达你要接受令人不愉快的事实或者真相

She thought Charlie would want her back, but she got a rude awakening - he was already dating another girl.77.away with the fairiesSomeone who is away with the fairies is in such a dreamy state that they are not totally in touch with reality.表达某人活在自己的理想世界中,完全不与现实生活接触

It's no use trying to explain the problem to her - she's away with the fairies!78.have an axe to grindIf you have an axe to grind, you have personal reasons for becoming involved in something or adopting a particular attitude.表达你有个人的理由参与某事或采取特定的态度

It was decided that the best candidate would be selected by a recruitment agency who had no axe to grind within the company.
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