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强力推荐 三年前

Right Start优惠码 发布时间:2018-01-18
强力推荐 三年前,一个偶然的机会,我以队长的身份组建了一支社会实践队,队伍的名字借用了这部电影的影名《爱在黎明破晓前》,当时年少不懂事,看了几眼第二部便觉得一对男女无聊的呢喃真的很boring,但直到去年,再次邂逅关于它的点滴,才想起来要把这部电影看起


仅仅看完第一部《before sunrise》,我就被深深吸引了






摘取了一些经典台词:do you know anyone who's in a happy relationship?你认识什么婚姻幸福的人吗?Yeah, sure. You know, I know happy couples.当然,我认识一些幸福的夫妇

But I think they lie to each other.可我认为他们在互相欺骗

Yeah.是啊!People can live their whole life as a lie.人们能在谎言中生活一辈子

My grandmother, she was married to this man...当年我的祖母结了婚...and I always thought she had a simply, uncomplicated love life.我一直以为她过着简单的爱情生活

But she just confessed to me that she spent her whole life...但她向我承认,她穷其一生...dreaming about another man she was always in love with.在梦想着她爱的另一个男人

She just accepted her fate. It's so sad.她屈从于命运,这太可悲了

In the same time, I love the idea that she had all those emotions...不过我对她心中埋藏的那份...and feelings I never thought she would have had. 我从来想不到她可能会有的深情, 感到非常着迷

I guarantee you it was better that way.我敢说那样更好

If she'd known him, he'd have disappointed her eventually.一旦她了解了他,她最终会对他感到失望的

Céline:Have you ever heard that as couples get older, they lose their ability to hear each other?你听说过这样一种说法吗,夫妻到一定年龄,就丧失了互相倾听的能力

Jesse:I guess. Nature's way of allowing couples to grow old together without killing each other.唔···必须的吧?不然没法儿一块儿过啊,不对掐才怪

Jesse:Well, I kind of see love as this uh, escape for two people who don't know how to be alone.People always talk about how love is this totally unselfish, giving thing, but if you think about it, you know, there's nothing more selfish.要我说,爱情无非就是两个不懂如何独处之人的遁避所


I think I can really fall in love when I know everything about someone. The way he's gonna part his hair...which shirt he's gonna wear that day...knowing the exact story he'd tell in a given situation. I'm sure that's when I know I'm really in love.当你前面谈到,几年后一对夫妇如何开始彼此讨厌,预期对方的反应,厌倦对方的言谈举止




Men, women, it's…There's no end to itIt's like a skipping recordEvery couple's been having this conversation foreverAnd nobody came up with anythingI don't knowSometimes I dream… …about being a good father and a good husband And sometimes it feels really close But then other times… …it seems sill…like it would… …ruin my whole life And it's not just a fear of commitment… …or that I'm incapable of caring or loving because… …I can It's just that, if I'm totally honest with myself… …I think I'd rather die knowing… …that I was really good at something That I had excelled in some way… …than that I'd just been in… …a nice, caring relationship我不知道






触动心弦的台词还是要和大家分享:He's got a good job anda beautiful wife, right, but that--他应有尽有,但是这并不是他真正想要的...Everything that he needs.But that doesn't matter......because what he wantsis to fight for meaning....因为他真正想要的是为某种理想而战你明白吗,快乐来自于过程You know? Happinessis in the doing, right?而不是因为你得到了你想要的东西People don't want to admit it, but it'slike we have these innate set points...尽管人们都不愿意承认,但事实上我们...我们很多个性都是天生的很少有什么后天发生的事能改变我们的性情...and nothing much that happens to uschanges our disposition....because I will miss of the personthe most mundane things.因为我会很怀念一个人很平常的东西好比那些细节Like I'm obsessed with little things.Maybe I'm crazy,but when I was a little girl...或者也许我有点神经质但当我小的时候......my mom told methat I was always late to school.妈妈告诉我,我上学经常迟到One day she followed me to see why.有一天她跟着我想知道为什么我正看着栗子从树上掉下来,滚到便道上I was looking at chestnuts falling fromthe trees, rolling on the sidewalk......或者是蚂蚁过马路,叶子在树干上的映出的倒影...or ants crossing the road, the waya leaf casts a shadow on a tree trunk.种种小事Little things.I think it's the same with people.我想对人也是一样我看到的是他们的细节,很细微I see in them little details,so specific to each of them......那些能感动我的细节,然后我就会想念他们,一直想念...that move me and that I missand will always miss.You can never replace anyone...你不能取代任何人...because everyone is made of suchbeautiful, specific details.因为每个人都有他那种美丽的,独特的细微之处Céline:I guess when you're youngyou just believe...我觉得,当你年轻的时候你会相信......there'll be many peopleyou'll connect with....你会认识很多人Later in life you realizeit only happens a few times.但后来你才会发现能交流的人其实很少And you can screw it up, you know.Misconnect.何况你又不能保证和他们好好相处就这样,失去联系了过去的就让它过去吧事情本来就是这样的The past is the past.It was meant to be that way.Céline:我是说,我只有一个人独处的时候才会真正开心I mean, I'm really happyonly when I'm on my own.Even being alone, it's better than sittingnext to a lover and feeling lonely.即使是一个人,也比坐在情人边上却心不在焉要来的好浪漫对我来说并不是一件容易的事It's not so easy for meto be a romantic.你开始的时候可能会这么做,不过当你受过几次伤以后...You start off that way, and afteryou've been screwed over a few times......you forget about your delusional ideasand you take what comes into your life...你就会拒绝那些虚幻的想法接受生活中的现实其实这也不见得对我并没受过几次伤...That's not even true.I haven't been screwed over......I've just had too manyblah relationships....我只是有太多平庸的感情了他们不是对我不好,他们都很关心我...They weren't mean,they cared for me......但是我们却没有那种心灵上的沟通或是发自心底的兴奋...but there were no real connectionor excitement.起码我这边是这么感觉的At least, not from my side.I'm sorry. I'm sorry to go on like this.I've been a little down this week.对不起, 我竟然变成这样这个星期我情绪都有点低落,我不知道...Jesse:- 为什么?-Why?Céline:- 我不知道,没什么,只是...-I don't know. Nothing bad, just....可能是因为读了你的书?Reading your book, maybe?No, but-- Thinking of how hopefulI was that summer and fall...也不是,不过...想想那个夏天和秋天,我充满了希望而自从那以后,好像就有点......and since then it's been kind of a....I don't know.我也不知道回忆本来是非常美好的只要你能让过去的都过去Memory is a wonderful thing ifyou don't have to deal with the past.如果说前两部讨论的是爱情的浪漫, 那么第三部则是十分现实的婚后生活


在这点上,原谅我中国传统观念太重,不大能接受法式电影的浪漫——男主抛弃了原有家庭坚持爱情,剧情也像婚后生活一样变得略微平淡,然而还是有许多精辟的台词值得欣赏,很现实Well, when I think of Corpileas, what I missed most about him is, the way he used to lie down next to me at night.Sometimes his arms would stretch along my chest and I could’t move, I even held my breath.But I felt safe, complete.And I miss the way he was whistling walking down the street.And every time I do something I think of what he would say: well it’s cold today, wear a scarf.But lately, I’ve been forgetting little things, it’s sort of fading... And... I’m starting to forget him. And it’s like...like losing him again.So sometimes I made myself remember him every detail of his face, the exact color of his eyes, his lips, his teeth; the texture of his skin, his hair. But it was all gone by the time he went.And sometimes...not always but sometimes, I can actually see him.It’s as if a cloud moves away and there he is, I could almost touch him. But then, Doria, well, rushes in and he vanishes again.Well I did this every morning, when the sun was not too bright outside. The sun, somehow makes him vanish.Yes he appears, he disappears, like...sunrise, or sunset, or anything so ephemeral.Just like our life, hmm? We appear, and we disappear, and we are so important to some, but we are just... passing through.“有时候,并非经常地,我真的能看见他,一朵云飘走之后,他就出现了,我几乎能够碰触到





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