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澳洲药房顶级Swisse胶原蛋白 100粒特卖 天然成分

Piping Rock Health Products优惠码 发布时间:2018-01-19
澳洲药房顶级Swisse胶原蛋白 100粒特卖 天然成分规格:100粒产地:澳洲【品牌简介】Swisse品牌于50年代后期成立于澳大利亚的墨尔本,是澳洲自然医学疗法的先驱之一,所有临床研究均在澳洲知名学府进行




每天轻松1粒搞定,100天用量!Swisse Ultiboost Hair Skin Nails is a comprehensive formula containing premium quality ingredients to support the production of collagen and provide essential nutrients for healthy hair, skin and nails.Swisse 活力胶原蛋白是一种复杂的配方含质量的营养成分去支持胶原蛋白的产生,提供头发、皮肤、指甲必需的营养

While both diet and lifestyle play an essential role in promoting the health of hair, skin and nails; Swisse Ultiboost Hair Skin Nails can give you a helping hand. Consider it your convenient one-a-day ‘secret weapon’ in achieving optimal hair, skin and nail health!健康的饮食和生活习惯能促进健康的头发、皮肤和指甲,swisse的活力胶原蛋白能给予皮肤能力的补充


This formula includes biotin, which has been proven to help strengthen soft, brittle nails and reduce breaking and splitting. Clinical studies have shown that biotin can increase nail thickness by up to 25% when taken over a 12-week period at the dosage included in Swisse Ultiboost Hair Skin and Nails.配方中包含生物素能帮助指甲的柔软度减少指甲断裂,临床证实服用12周左右,成分里面的生物素能使指甲的厚度25%Swisse Ultiboost Hair Skin Nails also includes Silica. This mineral is important for the formation of collagen, which provides a structural framework for our skin. By assisting collagen production we are supporting the thickness and integrity of our skin.硅是组成胶原蛋白最基本的细胞基质


能协助胶原蛋白的生成 皮肤的胶原厚度,使皮肤更有弹性

Zinc also assists with collagen production and is particularly important for wound healing. Zinc has been shown to help improve acne and heal skin blemishes.含有锌能使皮肤亮度和减少粉刺黑头的产生

The herb St. Mary’s thistle has been used traditionally for thousands of years as a ‘spring tonic’ and detoxifier. Current clinical studies support its use in liver conditions and for liver cell regeneration. Our skin is the largest elimination organ in our body. When our liver is compromised, it is the job of our skin to help expel toxins from our body. This may lead to skin blemishes. Consequentially, a healthy liver equals healthy skin!含奶蓟草奶蓟草是被誉为澳洲四宝之一的护肝圣品澳洲由于自然条件得天独厚,产品原料来自天然无污染区,所以产品的功效也较来自其他国家产地的更好




This convenient one-a-day formula is suitable for long-term use to improve the health of hair, skin and nails. It may assist in helping to improve conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, acne and blemishes, and well as dandruff and conditions where the scalp is excessively oily. This product may also help with post-surgery wound healing. Please consult your health care professional regarding the suitability of this product for you.一天一粒的配方适合长期服用 促进皮肤、头发和指甲的健康



Other considerations:Include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your daily dietEnsure you are eating adequate protein, in the from of either lean meats and seafood (particularly oily fish) or vegetarian sources such as tofu and legumesHydrate with at least two litres of water a dayReplace sugary, processed foods with tasty and nutritious wholegrain varieties – snack on nuts, seeds and natural yoghurtEnjoy exercise daily – it will help boost your circulation and keep you feeling great!Swisse Ultiboost Omega-3 range contains effective companion products to assist with the health of hair, skin and nails by providing the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA.Swisse Ultiboost Hair Skin Nails is based on the assessment of clinical studies and contains scientifically validated ingredients shown to assist in the maintenance of healthy hair, skin and nails.DosageAdults only: Take 1 tablet daily, during or immediately after a meal.服用方法:一天一粒,饭后立即服用

CautionContains zinc, which may cause nausea or vomiting if taken on an empty stomach. Be sure to take Ultiboost Hair Skin Nails with food.注意:包含锌,空腹可能导致反胃或呕吐Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet.Use only as directed and see your health care professional if symptoms persist.维生素产品不可替代正常均衡饮食


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