Always At Auction优惠码 发布时间:2018-01-19
12月四六级翻译重点话题超强预测 总结出12月四六级最有可能考到的翻译话题(我期末了事情比较多,帖子的评论几乎都没有看,然后发不了违心,我再分享一篇)社会和经济类话题大学生创业1.随着大学生就业市场竞争越来越激烈,一些学生怀揣雄心抱负,开始尝试创业



4.创业,需要有一个合理的商业理念; 可行的商业计划; 带领一个团队,来让成员为同一个目标而努力的领袖气质以及成熟的管理技能

参考译文:With the competition in the job marketbecoming increasingly fierce for college graduates,some ambitious studentshave tried their hands atlaunching theirown business.Over the years,there havebeen many successful cases of studententrepreneurship and such attemptsshould be encouraged by both the uni-versities and the society at large.How-ever,not all college graduates are suit-able for undertaking entrepreneurial projects.To launch a business,oneneeds to have a sound business idea,aviable business plan,the charisma tolead a team where members make con-certed efforts for a common objective,as Iwell as mature managerial skills.社会和经济类话题电子商务1如今,电子商务是一个趋势,随着信息技术开始扮演重要角色,越来越多的企业选择了这种商务模式


3虽然在面对电子商务时,留住顾客对实体店来说是一个挑战,但是业内专家表示,为了维持消费,线上和线下商户的互动和融合是至关重要的参考译文:As the information technology begins toplay a vital role,more and more compa-hies chose this kind of commercialmodel which has become a trend nowa-days.The e-commerce has a lot of ad-vantages on reducing the cost,and oneis that the advertisement is cheaper andeasier on the internet,what is more,theinformation can be exchanged quickly,and staff can deal with their works in anefficient way.Although it is a challengefor physical shops to retain customers inthe face of e-commerce,industry expertssaid interaction and integration betweenonline and offline vendors are vital tcsustain consumption.文化类话题唐诗1唐代,是中国古典诗歌的全盛时期,在不到300年的时间里,产生了许多著名的诗人和诗作2清朝时编辑的《全唐诗》(Poems of theTang Dynasty)收录了2200多位诗人创作的48900多首诗歌


4中国人很喜欢唐诗,就连小孩子也能背出几首如李白的《静夜思》(Thoughts in theSilent Night),杜甫的《春夜喜雨》(GoodRain on a Spring Night)等等


参考译文:The Tang Dynasty witnessed the peak ofChinese ancient poetry,with many re-nowned poets and famous works appear-ing over a period of less than 300 years.Poems of the Tang Dynasty editedduring the Qing Dynasty has collectedmore than 48,900 poems written by over2,200 poets.These poems provide an in-sight into all aspects of the social life ofthe period.Chinese people are very fondof Tang poetry,and even children canrecite some from memory,such asThoughts in the Silent Night by Li Bai,Good Rain on a Spring Night by Du Fu,etc.Tang poetry not only serves as amost brilliant page in the history of an-cient Chinese literature,but is also amiracle in the history of culture of man-k in d.文化类话题酒文化1中国人在7000年以前就开始用谷物酿酒





参考译文:Chinese people began to make spiritswith grains seven thousand years ago.Generally speaking,wine has a closeconnection with culture in China in bothancient and modern times.Chinese wineculture has been playing a quite import-ant role in Chinese people's life for along time.Our Chinese ancestors usedwine to enjoy themselves while writingpoetry,or to make a toast to their rela-tives and friends during a feast.Wineculture,as a kind of culture form,is alsoan inseparable part in the life of ordi-nary Chinese people through numerousevents such as birthday party,farewelldinner,wedding,etc.教育类话题汉语教育随着孔子学院受到越来越多国家的欢迎,新一轮的汉语热在世界各地兴起






孔子学院不仅为外国学生提供了学习汉语的场所更为各国人民的相互了解提供了平台参考译文:The booming of Confucius Institutes inmany countries shows there is a constantrise of the worldwide fervor in learningChinese.China' s rich culture and blos-soming economy are driving their inter-est to learn the language.A growingnumber of schools and universities haveadded Chinese to their curriculum,sometimes at the expense of other lan-guages.The enrollment in such schoolsoffering the Chinese courses has alsobeen steadily climbing.Though the moti-vations may vary a lot,many learn theChinese to get competitive in their ca-reers.Actually,teaching of Chinese isnot a recent phenomenon.The undertak-ing of teaching Chinese as a foreign lan-guage has developed rapidly in the pastdecade.The Confucius Institutes has notonly offered a place for foreigners tolearn Chinese,but also serves as a plat-form to help people understand eachother.教育类话题考公热1国家考试自古以来就存在,它可以追溯到唐朝时期,那时国家考试被称为科举考试





参考译文:Country examination was always there,and it could be dated from the Tang dy-nasty when it was called Imperial exam-ination.Although the times havechanged,the wish to be an official is be-coming stronger.Generally,civil servantcan enjoy a higher social status,greaterpower and prestige and means a stableincome,enviable healthcare and pensionprogramme,as well as other comforts oflife.It' S quite an appealing careeroption to many people,especially in thisage of sluggish economy.This craze incivil servant test will continue in the fol-lowing years科技类话题高科技过去几年来,计算机科学、人工智能和材料科学上取得的重要进展,再一次燃起创造智能机器人的希望,事实上,在制造智能机器人方面,我们取得的进展已经非常有说服力了,以至许多科学家对机器人可能带来的灾难公开表示忧虑,无论前景充满希望还是危机四伏,人类的探索之路始终都是对智力的挑战

参考译文:In the past few years,important advanc-es in computer science,artificial intelli-gence and material science have onceagain raised hopes of making intelligentrobots,In fact,progress toward an intel-ligent robot has been so convincing thatmany scientists are worrying publiclyabout the perils of robots.Whetherhumans are in a hopeful or precariousplace,the journey here has been an in-tellectual challenge.科技类话题中国硬件和软件发展中国硬件业的发展取得了举世瞩目的成功




参考译文:The growth of the hardware industry inChina is a worldwide success story rec-ognized throughout the world.Withannual growth in PC sales of 40% overthe past five years,China is a bright starof the Asian region and even around theworld.While the software industry irChina has also grown over the past fiveyears,it has not seen the level of growthone would expect when given thenumber of PCs in use.Software revenueper PC,one measure of the health of thesoftware industry in a market,is particu-larly lgw.inChinasomparedto other美国 英国 一听就爱上的英文歌单 英语学习 我的大学生活 我的大学 大学是把整容刀 我的私藏书单 读书打卡 大学生必备书单


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