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学习| 提高口语➕英语学习app推荐

Always At Auction优惠码 发布时间:2018-01-19


现在看来有点幼稚,因为出国以后人人都会说英语啊,英语就是母语啊,要用英语去学法语和各种经济学金融学的理论,然后有个意大利好友会六国语言,所以感觉很努力学好英语带来的成就感瞬间没有,只想说Too Young Too Naive

不过人生就是不断升级打怪兽,大概永远没有可以厉害到可以停止学习的时候🤠 扯远了…言归正传,分享给大家我几年前在口语教育机构上课时候的升级演讲稿和ppt,里面就包含了我学习英语的整个心路历程和经验,愿与你们共勉☺️When I first started to learn English in Web, I didn’t even have a systematic way of learning English. Like some of my peers, I was unwilling to express myself and afraid to make mistakes. But still, I was dying to speak English fluently. So I asked some competent students for suggestions. Until then did I realize that they’d never been afraid to make mistakes when speaking in a class, and I found that all of them were inquisitive all the time, just as the saying goes“stay foolish, stay hungry”. After that, I tried to get out of my comfort zone, and actually, that was not too hard. And every time I made an improvement, even it was a completely simple sentence, I would have a sense of fulfillment, which in turn, encouraged me a lot.After knowing the fact that only 3000 words can cover the 98% of our daily conversation, I was confident, now it seems that it was a blind confidence, but that confidence has been helping me a lot, because I attended the free talk and interact with others more often to share my views and sometimes I asked the foreign teachers to check my papers. At the very first beginning , I couldn’t express what was in my mind exactly, so I always imitate what the teachers said, cuz I thought that if I couldn’t come up with a whole sentence, then imitation will be effective and helpful. And one more thing, body language works well.Next I’m gonna talk about how I try to think in English. As we all know, the ability to think in English is a fundamental quality when we wanna master English. One of the teachers told me that noting down the English explanation of words is extremely productive, though it is demanding at first, but as you persist in doing this, both of your sense of language and grammar will become better very soon. Here’s my notebook, I have been writing down not only the words explanations but also the grammar rules in English as many as possible, with several examples below. And this really helps positively!Then I was informed that I need to take the GMAT and IELTS tests if I want to have further study abroad, so I pushed myself to focus more on details of English, since the works’s gonna be really hard and there were so many tasks to do. Like how could I read faster and speak more fluently, how could I improve accuracy, master grammar, develop logical thinking and write meaningful articles. In these days, I also reviewed my notebook frequently. After I finished these works step by step, my English skills were booming, as well as the logical thinking. So I could recommend that, if you don’t have directions when learning English, you can set a long-term goal for yourself, and when you achieve that, you are not the one you used to be. Now, the most difficult part for me is to come up with a full sentence without thinking. I found that sometimes I know every word in a sentence written by teachers, but I couldn’t create this sentence by myself. Then Jon told me that I should keep reading articles outloud again and again to develop the pattern of English. And I think this is a suggestion for all of us.Okay, before I finish this presentation, I would like to recommend you a video named “how can we learn a foreign language within six months”, it was took by professional Chris Lonsdale and you can search it on the internet.最后推荐几个app

英语魔方秀- 可以在上面录音并且不断改正口音,很有趣

每日英语听力- 这个作为听力素材,下一些经济学人之类的专辑,我是每天上学路上听,既学了英语也涨了不少姿势,还可以为讨论课提供谈资

CNN- 看新闻,练阅读,也是一举两得

金山词霸- 查英文释义和例句

