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大家都爱的上海“Sleep no more”我的观后感

Easy Space优惠码 发布时间:2018-01-21
上海最近的“sleep no more”非常火,我那在纽约看过此剧的朋友兴致勃勃地买了票拉我去看,然而演出结束后我的对这个show的整体感想有一点点“mean”,不过好在我朋友对上海版本的此play也和我一样的感受😂



Before we came, We were very excited 😌as this show sounded "off the beaten experience", we were promised interactive theatre where we'd have a unique experience. I'm sure when they started this play many months ago, it was the case. Sadly, today their goal isn't breakthrough theatre🙈,it's breaking the bank by packing in way too many people👬👭👫👪.Paying guests are herded like cattle, forcibly separated from friends, required to wear cumbersome/hot masks, and completely marginalized by the performers. This pretentious event is not a play - it is a museum/haunted house streaked with performance art in a huge, many-storied building with dark rooms set up as bedrooms, restaurants, cemeteries, shops, bars, a ballroom full of bare Xmas trees🎄 on wheels. You can explore creaky old rooms full of furniture, books, animal skins, boxes, candy, statuary, etc etc - which is mostly what I chose to do in order to escape the hordes of lemmings literally running after performers who, as far as I saw in 2 hours, do not engage. As a huge fan of dark, atmospheric, theatrical, mysterious weirdness - this should've been right up my alley...but the rules of the game are for the convenience of the proprietors, not the enjoyment of their clients; there is a distinctly unpleasant you-will-do-as-we-say attitude🙇.What should set this apart from all the standard theater available is audience participation, instead this forces patrons into a voyeuristic role - they take away the stage/seating, but ultimately don't really involve you.Maybe separating friends cuts down on chatter, but people who go to an event together want to experience it together, not have a frustrating "did u see this/that, what floor was that on, I wish I'd gone to that room" post-discussion, trying to describe things to each other that they would've preferred to see together.👫If the masks function to alleviate inhibition, then let guests chose whether or not to wear one, if they're to mark customers as such, then a Zorro-type eye mask would be much more comfortable/breathable (some type of head gear even better).Make it easy for clients to go back.The play takes place on 3 floors of a "hotel" and the audience is free to wander through all of the rooms, discovering actors and theatrical moments. (All while wearing white masks) Unfortunately, it's really more like a pre-school soccer game. Imagine the actors are the ball and whenever one is spotted...literally hundreds of people push and shove their way to follow them.👹Even if you're tall, you can't see most of the action because the horde is in front of you. There's about 10-12 actors total. There just isn't enough action or space to actually enjoy or understand the performance. We had read many reviews so we had a pretty good idea of the story line and still didn't experience enough of it to piece it together.I will say the choreography when the actors were fighting, dancing or interacting was really well done from what we could see. So I'm sure they are very talented.Since we already seen it, ill tell some tips in case you are really planing on go to see the play💁.First things first: people who rave about this place and say they have been multiple times are either full of crap or have an ulterior motive. After two visit I think you'll understand that you may get a different performance if (and only if) your timing is right. Also, this is very loosely based on Macbeth. If you're a big Macbeth fan and are looking for characters, you will be sorely disappointed. It'd be more entertaining if it was just a murder mystery.NOT A SPOILER BUT WORTH READING: there are multiple levels and multiple performances. They do a poor job explaining the following to you - you can't really go at your own pace to try and get out of there. Yes, you can explore, even see the same performance multiple times. But they funnel you to the same ending. My friend and I bought tickets to the 7 pm show not realizing that all tickets (even the later ones) end up in the same group and you all get done at 10 pm. Had they told me this I would have saved a lot of time and frustration looking for the scene that leads to the conclusion. So if I was smarter, I would have chosen a later time and enjoy the bits of the show I caught instead of charging around like an maniac following the scores of other maniacs looking for a way out.Speak of the characters, we had pretty much stayed with Macbeth for half of the play. Even though we didn't really see the final battlefield, I still like his part the most. The fluctuations reflect the tragic tension within Macbeth: he is at once too ambitious to allow his conscience to stop him from murdering his way to the top and too conscientious to be happy with himself as a murderer. As things fall apart for him at the end of the play, he seems almost relieved—with the English army at his gates, he can finally return to life as a warrior, and he displays a kind of reckless bravado as his enemies surround him and drag him down. In part, this stems from his fatal confidence in the witches’ prophecies, but it also seems to derive from the fact that he has returned to the arena where he has been most successful and where his internal turmoil need not affect him—namely, the battlefield. Unlike many of Shakespeare’s other tragic heroes, Macbeth never seems to contemplate suicide: “Why should I play the Roman fool,” he asks, “and die / On mine own sword?”. Instead, he goes down fighting, bringing the play full circle: it begins with Macbeth winning on the battlefield and ends with him dying in combat.I guess there's millions reason you have to go see it or not, but the director maybe just want people to feel themselves to be part of the performance, to get involved. Is it just what Shakespeare wanted? There's thousand hamlet in thousand eyes. The performance is always a matter of interpretation.


  • 你真的是我的女神了,爱生活!!!!!

  • 读完有点想去看了

  • 看不懂

  • 快点上新,太喜欢你

  • 看过,我觉得就是进了一个小型故事中看到的都是故事里的部分情节吧,这种表现方式不是很令人愉悦,却给人另一种体验,没抢到互动同时被踩了很多脚的我,最后单独抱着麦克白男主合了影,很是鸡冻~

  • 一出“瞎搞”的艺术吸引了一群“瞎搞”的人…

  • yeah, thousand hamlet in shots and eyes. to understand , to feel and to reflection. nice record!