当前位置:有享优惠网>晒单测评>Blick Art Materials>魔都拍照好去处之龙美术馆


Blick Art Materials优惠码 发布时间:2018-01-23
丹麦-冰岛艺术大师Olafur Eliasson,擅长大规模装置、雕塑,在全世界都很有名,在龙美术馆办好展览后就去法国凡尔赛宫,tune up了一场更盛大的展览,把整个凡尔赛宫和它巨大的后花园作为自己的游乐场

同时他还是在伦敦海德公园设计过2007年度蛇形艺廊Serpentine Gallery的艺术家,能设计蛇形艺廊的都是举世闻名的建筑师或艺术家


门票:RMB 150 但龙美术馆的大师艺术展真的是知名大师带来的代表作,和魔都其他那些借了几幅莫奈达利不知名作品甚至几个卡通形象就满天要价的不入流展览不同


龙美术馆17年春季展是James Turrell的 Immersive Light,成人RMB200,格瓦拉上RMB180,这里知名的艺术展是你在国际上与懂艺术的人交流他们也能兴奋不已的艺术展


文艺控必访博物馆上海文艺范必去美术馆拍照超美的展览最后附一段Olafur的wiki介绍:Olafur Eliasson is a Danish-Icelandic artist known for sculptures and large-scale installation art employing elemental materials such as light, water, and air temperature to enhance the viewer’s experience

In 1995 he established studio in Berlin, a laboratory for spatial research

Olafur represented Denmark at the 50th Venice Biennale in 2003 and later that year installed The Weather Project in the Turbine Hall of Tate Modern, London

Olafur has engaged in a number of projects in public space, including the intervention Green river, carried out in various cities between 1998 and 2001; the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2007, London, a temporary pavilion designed with the Norwegian architect Kjetil Thorsen; and The New York City Waterfalls, commissioned by Public Art Fund in 2008

He was a professor at the Berlin University of the Arts from 2009 to 2014 and is an adjunct professor at the Alle School of Fine Arts and Design in Addis Ababa since 2014
