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带你继续画重点/ 经典教材用心学

Overland优惠码 发布时间:2018-02-06
英语学习接上一篇笔记这次继续挑出经典好句学习😁看完上次的推送大家现在精读一篇好文的时候,有没有想过一些这些问题👇1⃣️有没有生词?2⃣️有没有同义词?这个词还可以怎么变形?3⃣️有没有熟词僻义?4⃣️有没有一些虽然认识但是没想到可以这样用的表达?5⃣️这句话还能怎么样说?还能怎么样改写?6⃣️这句话可以在什么场景中用到?……考托福考雅思的欢迎来我公主👸🏼号哟今天我们继续学习从新概念3课文中11-20课挑选的内容进行细读,如果在学习过程遇到问题,欢迎跟我交流哟😁1⃣️Customs Officers are quite tolerant these days, but they can still stop you when you are going through the Green Channel and have nothing to declare
Even really honest people are often made to feel guilty
这两句话是不是很身同感受?🤔️特别是过海关安检的时候,虽然自己没有违规物品,只是买东西多了点,还是心里有点慌?😂2⃣️They caught lobster and fish every day, and, as one of them put it 'ate like kings'
在这句话里面,put 就不是放置的意思啦,而是describe3⃣️She had told him to come straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leave the bread on the kitchen table
come straight in直接进来拆句:She had told him to come straight in/if ever she failed to open the door /and to leave the bread on the kitchen table
这里 to come straight in 和 to leave 并列,翻译的时候要注意哦

4⃣️If the money was not paid promptly, the gangsters would quickly put a man out of business by destroying his shop

👉out of business破产💸👉活学活用:如果没有及时交租,租客就会被赶走了


5⃣️If fifty pence pieces are not exchanged for sweets, they rattle for months inside money boxes
在储钱罐里叮当响几个月=可以存起来几个月rattle 响叮当(图二)😂😁补充更多关于这个rattle的👇👉发出格格声She rattled some coins in the box

👉使紧张;使紊乱(常与off连用)不假思索地讲He rattled off the poem

Don't rattle over that trifle

6⃣️One of Mary's prize possessions was a little white lamb which her husband had given her
prize 做名词大家都了解,就是奖品的意思

那么这个prize还有什么意思呢?在这里呢?prizeadj 👇1)victorious 获奖的 exhibit 🏆2)treasured 珍视的 possession ✔️3)perfect (典型的) example4)complete (十足的)idiotv
to be prized for [something]因某物而受到高度重视7⃣️The bridge is so long that the shape of the earth had to be taken into account by designer

如何学会用这篇文章的词汇和句子甚至是文章结构来仿写描述这座港珠澳大桥🌉呢?🤔️(图三)8⃣️Even people who take no interest in art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture on display in public places
take no interest in不感兴趣not fail to不会失败去做 =总能够……这个双重否定我们以后再继续详细展开哟😁9⃣️The next morning, the box had disappeared but Mrs
Ramsay was sure that the kidnapper would keep his word
word在这里是不可数名词,表示“誓言”常见的表达还有a man/woman of his/her word表示信守承诺的人🔟A week before, he had completed a successful overland flight during which he covered twenty-six miles

翻翻字典,cover 还有多少个意思?👉 Some reporters have covered this topic
👉 We covered a lot of ground during our holiday👉 cover the entire syllabus
👉 This research covers a wide field
👉 That price covers everything
👉 The sales department covers advertising
👉 The insurance doesn't cover wear and tear


下期继续细说新语哟 ❤️爱你们的Lily考托福考雅思的欢迎来我公主👸🏼号哟有你想要的💪💪💪💪💪🔝🔝🔝

标签: 教育 经典


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