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Clothes By Majestic优惠码 发布时间:2018-02-13
1:The police are after him

2:He's after a job at our place

3:Does he often ask after you?她经常问候你吗?4:So you made it after all


5:He should have paid
He suggested it,after all


每日学5句地道英语口语 第39天【相关拓展】6:I'll call you after speaking to them

7:Several years after they'd split up thay met again by chance in Wuxi

8:Soon after,I heard that he'd died


9:I can come next week,or the week after

10:And they all lived happily ever after

11:I need to start looking for a job
12:What do you think of yournewboss?你认为你的新老板如何?13:My boss works too hard
14:Does your job pay well?你的工作薪水高吗?15:We need to improve training in this company
16:Theinterviewwas very tough this afternoon
17:I spent all day on the phone talking to customers
18:I’m so busy that I had lunchat my desk
19:I like my job because I get to travel a lot
20:My brother flies for an airline
21:What kind of job do you want to get?你想要什么样的工作?22:I had a very goodinterviewfor a jobwith anadvertisementcompany
23:I would have to get a Master’sdegreeinorder to find a job in that field
24:Will the boss mind if I have some personal items on my desk?如果我在我的办公桌上放一些个人物品,老板会介意吗?25:Also, what is the company policy on taking leave for a vacation?还有,在休假方面,公司的政策是怎样的?26:He invited me to dinner yesterday.他昨天请我吃晚饭了
27:He struck his attacker on the ear.他打了那个攻击者一耳光
28:He suddenly appeared in the party.他突然在晚会上出现了
29:Her handbag goes with her clothes
30:Here we are.RowM, seats l and 3.哦,到了
31:His boss might get angry with him.他的老板也许会生他的气
32:I expect to be there this evening.我打算今天晚上到那儿去
33:I really need to lose some weight.我真的需要减肥了
34:I think you have the Wrong number.我想你打错号码了
35:I would rather stay at home alone.我宁愿独自呆在家
36:I'd like to look at some sweaters.我想看看毛衣
37:Its origin is still a mystery now.它的起源至今仍是个谜
Money is no more than our servant.金钱不过是我们的仆人
Once you begin,you must continue.一旦开始,你就得继续
Sheis poor but quite respectable.她虽穷,人品却很端正
She spent a lot of money on books.她花了很多钱来买书
The girl inred ishis girlfriend.穿红衣服的那个女孩是他的女朋友
There is a chair below the window.窗户下面有一把椅子
They employed him as a consultant.他们雇用他为顾问
To be honest with you,I'm twenty.老实说,我20岁
We often call him by his nickname.我们经常叫他的绰号
Will you be free tomorrow evening?你明晚有空吗?Would you like to leave a message?你要留话吗?You can never turn the clock back.时光不能倒流
You may as well tell me the truth.你还是把事实告诉我为好
Are your grandparents still living?你的祖父母还在么?Can you recognize that woman,Mary?你能认出那个女人是谁了吗,玛丽?Do you have any suggestions for me?你对我有什么建议么?He is tough,but I am even tougher
He made his way through the forest.他设法穿过了森林He invited me to dinner yesterday.他昨天请我吃晚饭了
He struck his attacker on the ear.他打了那个攻击者一耳光
He suddenly appeared in the party.他突然在晚会上出现了
Her handbag goes with her clothes
His boss might get angry with him.他的老板也许会生他的气
I expect to be there this evening.我打算今天晚上到那儿去
I really need to lose some weight.我真的需要减肥了
I think you have the Wrong number.我想你打错号码了
I would rather stay at home alone.我宁愿独自呆在家
I'd like to look at some sweaters.我想看看毛衣
Its origin is still a mystery now.它的起源至今仍是个谜
Money is no more than our servant.金钱不过是我们的仆人
Once you begin,you must continue.一旦开始,你就得继续
She is poor but quite respectable.她虽穷,人品却很端正
Shespent a lot of money on books.她花了很多钱来买书
The girl inred ishis girlfriend.穿红衣服的那个女孩是他的女朋友
There is a chair below the window.窗户下面有一把椅子
They employed him as a consultant.他们雇用他为顾问
To be honest with you,I''''m twenty.老实说,我20岁
We often call him by his nickname.我们经常叫他的绰号
Will you be free tomorrow evening?你明晚有空吗?Would you like to leave a message?你要留话吗?You can never turn the clock back.时光不能倒流
You may as well tell me the truth.你还是把事实告诉我为好

标签: 句子
